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The East Side Gallery 1999
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East Side Gallery 1989-2012
10 Jahre nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer haben wir unser Projekt www.die-berliner-mauer.de gestartet. Ein Ziel war, regelmäßig die berühmte East Side Galerie zu dokumentieren - Ergebnis im Jahre 1999 war die damals weltweit breiteste Website der Welt) es musste eine Menge links-rechts gescrollt werden auf den kleinen 800x600-Bildschirmen damals).
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Wie geht es weiter? Wir haben den bekannte Photographen Dieter Düvelmeyer gewinnen können, uns bei diesem Projekt zu unterstützen.
Im August werden wir die neuen Photos aufnehmen, überarbeiten und in der Website in einem neuen Panorama publizieren:, wir werden diese Bilder auch in Google Earth in einem 3D-Modell frei zu Verfügung stellen. Allen Unterstützern wollen wir hier auch natürlich gerecht werden. Spenden Sie mehr als 10€, werden wir Sie in die Liste der Sponsoren aufnehmen, bei 100€ werden wir Ihnen ausserdem eine gedruckte Version in Form einer Collage (25x50cm) zukommen lassen. Wollen Sie mehr Unterstützung leisten? Klasse! Rufen Sie mich an: Roy Popiolek 0177 277 5494 oder besser noch schreiben Sie mir: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - ich werde mich bestimmt bei Ihnen zuückmelden!
Lassen Sie uns nicht die spannende Geschichte Berlins in Vergessenheit geraten - Machen Sie mit!

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Activities you should not miss during your visit to Berlin
With its rich history and numerous sights, Berlin is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. Once a symbol of division and now a symbol of unity and change, the German capital is a bastion of freedom, democracy, and capitalism, unlike just a few decades ago.
If you travel to Germany, Berlin is an absolute must. To help you plan your trip and make the most of your time, we have prepared a short guide to the five most important things you need to do when you come to Berlin.
Visit the Berlin Wall
Probably the most important sight in the whole city and a symbol for all the bad things that happened to it, the Berlin Wall reminds us of a cruel past that nobody wants to repeat. Built during the Cold War years as a dividing line between West and East, the Wall was largely demolished in 1990, but parts of it are still visible to visitors.
When you visit Berlin, you travel to the southern border of Wedding and Mitte, where part of the war was intact, with many display boards describing its history and helping visitors to understand everything that happened in the German capital at that time. We can promise you that a visit to the Wall will be an experience that will change the way you look at things and help you appreciate the freedom we have today much more.
Exploring the Bauhaus Museum
The iconic Bauhaus Museum in Berlin houses some of the most interesting works of art you can find. Founded in 1919, the museum houses the commercial art from the school of Walter Gropius, the architect who also founded the museum.
The museum houses a variety of art objects, from photographs and sketches to furniture and ceramics, so there is something for everyone, but above all, it houses genuine German domestic art without foreign influences.
Hiking through the Grunewald
If you are more of a nature lover and prefer to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, Grunewald offers a retreat close to the city. Berlin's largest green space offers you the opportunity to enjoy nature, ride a bike or horseback, have a picnic, or simply walk, all less than an hour from the city center.
Shopping in Mauer Park
If you like to haggle and go shopping at the flea market, Mauer Park is the place to be if you are visiting Berlin. Here you can find anything and everything and with a little luck, you can find a bargain or a rare item to complete your collection of all kinds of items.
Enjoy the city's nightlife
Finally, when you have done all the above, it is time to relax and enjoy Berlin's famous nightlife. With a variety of pubs and nightclubs in the city, you won't have any trouble finding a fantastic party anywhere. The city even has several casinos that you can visit. If you prefer not to play outdoors, you will, of course, have no trouble reaching online casinos with your mobile device, but we recommend that you experience all this in person during your visit to Berlin.